Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beautiul Nauvoo!

To finish off my whirlwind weekend trip spree the girls (me, my mom, and Kate) took off to Nauvoo. It's a place I've heard about all my life so it was wonderful to finally be able to visit. We had two full days in Nauvoo. The first day we went from building to building and toured around the old city of Nauvoo. We learned about the way of life in the 1840's and saw where many prominent figures of the LDS church lived. The next day we went through a session in the Nauvoo temple. The Nauvoo temple has such a special feeling and I will always remember this trip. On the way back to St. Louis we stopped in Hannibal, Missouri the town where Mark Twain grew up. We also did a drive by of downtown St. Louis and saw the famous Gateway Arch. By the end of the trip Kate completed her 35th airplane ride!


Kelli Eudis said...

I love nauvoo. Such great historical landmark.

PS. I'm still so mad about those pictures of Kate and Ava. I don't know what happened to them :(

Unknown said...

35???? That is amazing! You stay so busy and have so much fun!

Camie said...

I can't believe you were in Nauvoo and didn't come see me. Just joking, I know its a few hours away. Does Kate have her own sky miles yet?